Tag Archives: thank you

What Brought a Smile to My Face

27 Jul

I logged onto my blog this morning, saw the orange comment notification, and to my surprise saw that Candace Knoebel had nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award!

Instantly, a big smile spread across my face and a moment of disbelief, (she commented on the wrong blog, right?) That completely made my day and made me feel loved! So thank you bunches and bunches Candace! Everyone, check out her blog! You’ll love it!

So, as the awards go, there are three rules, they are:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you with a link to the site.

2. Write seven things about yourself that other bloggers don’t know.

3. Nominate fifteen other deserving blogs.

7 Things About Me

1. I am a quiet person, once I get to know someone more I am a bit louder.

2. I love Pixar movies, I even started to double-major in animation, but decided to stick with just education, since that was more my thing.

3. I don’t like chocolate. Or cheese.

4. My car’s name is Karl.

5. I teach a Sunday school class for toddlers.

6. I was recently diagnosed with OCD, although I’ve had it for years, but didn’t make the connection until now.

7. I love to run, it’s my time to get out any frustration, but to also to clear my head and brainstorm ideas for my stories.


momentsnotmemories –Gotta love your voice through your writing, and perspective, and ability to connect with readers.

Stuff I Said — I love your poems and stories, something I look forward to reading every day.

TheRoomMom — I absolutely love your creativity and great ideas, inspires me to be creative, also!

Great Smitten — For her great incorporation of pictures, splendid touch!

Good2begone –Your posts are sweet and they make me laugh!

Write On — Very informative and helpful, I love all of your writing tips!

My2ndheartbeat –your quotes are always so true and inspiring, it makes me stop and think every time I see a new one posted.

One Thousand Single Days –I love when how you talk directly to your readers in a “story-telling” fashion.

Red Terrain –For going through a rough time, but pushing through it, being strong, getting back on your feet and being so positive!

All Things Boys –Once again, I love the mix of writing posts and pictures, a great choice for a great blog.

Chilling With Shay –Thanks for such great inspiration!

Run Like a Grl –Motivating and your lists are awesome!

A Rich, Full Life In Spite of It –Hilarious blog, making good points we can all relate to.

Cancer Killing Recipe –So informative and inspiring!

Blah Blah Blog –I love your posts, especially the one with the obscure and unusual punctuation, pretty awesome, if I may add!

And those are the fifteen nominations! Thank you again Candace!